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侏儒抹香鯨🌊🐳🌊小抹茶回家囉 5/20(三)一隻擱淺在桃園觀音海水浴場的侏儒抹香鯨🐳在中華鯨豚協會、獸醫團隊、志工團隊細心的照料下,於5/21(四)上午十點在基隆嶼附近水深100公尺的地方順利野放。 希望趕快找到牠的親朋好友們!❤ -SDGs #14 海洋生態- 感謝🙏 #基隆市政府產發處 #中華鯨豚協會 #獸醫團隊 #志工團隊 #鉅隆號 On Wednesday May 20th. A dwarf sperm whale was found stranded in the Taoyuan Guanyin Beach. Under the careful care of the Chinese Whale and Dolphin Association, the veterinary team and the volunteer team. The dwarf sperm whale was smoothly released on Thursday May 21st near Keelung Island. 🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊🐳🌊 -SDGs #14 Life Below Water- Thanks 🙏 #Keelung City Government Industrial Development Office #Chinese Whale and Dolphin Association #SavetheWhales #Anti-Whaling 市議員 張淵翔 與您分享❤️​ _________________ #SDGs #永續海洋 #碳足跡 #節能減排 #在地孩子 #八斗子囡仔 #八斗子人 #基隆有感 #一同進步 #回饋鄉里 #造福鄉梓 #市議員張淵翔 #緣強團隊 #認同請分享 _______________ 🏠基隆市中正區新豐街278-5號1樓 ☎02-2469-2122 💙https://reurl.cc/8LpW4(LINE)

侏儒抹香鯨🌊🐳🌊小抹茶回家囉 5/20(三)一隻擱淺在桃園觀音海水浴場的侏儒抹香鯨🐳在中華鯨豚協...

Lucky✌️ Spotted sperm whale during sunset! 🐋🐳 看到抹香鯨(Sperm whale) 而且不遠 而且一直噴氣 而且捕捉到露尾dive! 而且我在北太平洋耶 尤其今年九月the blob 又來了(暖水塊之意) 延伸閱讀:🙇🏻‍♀️Marine heatwave. https://www.google.com.ph/amp/s/news.mongabay.com/2019/09/the-blob-is-back-pacific-heat-wave-already-second-largest-in-recent-history/amp/ 怎能不紀錄一下是吧~ #liveaboard #七嘴八舌歡呼聲 #最愛船宿 #直接胖三公斤

Lucky✌️ Spotted sperm whale during sunset! 🐋🐳 看到抹...